Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Florida pastor planning to burn Quran

Revrand Terry Jones intended to burn a copy of the Muslim holy book the Quran on Saturday.  After thousands of Muslims protested Jones desided he wouldn't go through with the plan if he could meet with organizers behind a mosque planned near ground zero in NYC.  However, there was some confusion about the meeting.  Jones said he would not burn the Quran if the location of the mosque planned near ground zero was changed.   Musri, the muslim leader who organized the meeting however only could set up a meeting with the organizers building the mosque.  This made Jones angry and felt that he had been tricked.  He finally desided to not go through with his plan to burn the Quran after President Obama asked him not to in fear that it could endanger our forces over seas. 

In my opinion, Revrand Jones was a little out of line in trying to burn the Quran.  I think that there are better ways that he could have made his point and expressed his frustrations.  If the situation was reversed I'm sure that the Revrand would be very offended at the Muslims trying to burn the book he considered sacred and holy.  I understand why he would be angry about such a thing, I am not a fan of it myself, but I don't think he needed to jump to such extreme measures right away.  I don't think he completely thought through the consequences of his act.  I wonder if he considered how this would affect our troops overseas.  By burning the book he would have enraged the Muslims in Iraq and Afganistan and they could have rebeled and taken their anger out on our military forces and caused them harm.  It just goes to show that rash actions are not always the best answer and that there are sometimes better ways of making your point that don't have such negative results.

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