Monday, October 11, 2010

Man Stabbs Little Boy at Area Restaurant

Friday night in Garden City, NY, 23 year old Evan Sachs reportedly stabbed 8 year old boy five times in the back.  Sachs had been under physiological treatment according to his parents.  Police found a note in his pocket upon his arrest describing his plan to stab the boy.  They believe he had been planning this for several weeks.  He had been scoping out the perfect spot and victim according to Nassau police Lt. Ray Cote.  The young boy was playing a video game at the restaurant when he was stabbed.  Sachs reportedly waited until the boys parents, only a few feet from him, became distracted before he took out the hunting knife and stabbed the child in the back.  The boy suffered a punctured lung but is expected to recover.  Sachs is currently in jail awaiting his next court date.
The thing that amazes me about this whole incident is how nobody noticed Sachs before he stabbed the boy.  He must have been watching the boy and when he approached him and took out a knife nobody saw?  I guess the good side is that there were plenty of witnesses.  That was stupid on Sachs part but good for everyone else.  I mean seriously, of all the places to commit a crime he chose a restaurant full of people to witness it.  How stupid is that.  If you ask me it is pretty sick that he chose an eight year old boy as his victim.  If he was supposedly mentally unstable shouldn't his family members have been watching him closer.  I guess nobody really expects their child to commit such a crime but wouldn't you want to keep a close eye on them to make sure they didn't endanger them selves or anyone else.  The up side is that he was caught and he will have to suffer the consequences of his actions and go through out justice system.  He will get what he deserves. 

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