Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boehner rips health care law

After winning the election, speaker in waiting John Boehner stated that one of his main goals is getting the health care bill repealed.  He believes that the bill "will kill jobs in America, ruin the best health care system in the world, and bankrupt our country."  Boehner said that he intended on laying some ground work before trying to repeal the bill.  He also said that the GOP's cooperation was conditional.  As long as Obama is willing to respect the wishes of the American people and work towards goals that they are demanding, then they will be willing to work with him.  Boehner also made a pitch for smaller government in our nation. 

I completely agree with the goals that John Boehner had set out for our country.  I think that the health care bill is ridiculous and that it will end up hurting our economy instead of helping it.  I also think that we need less government in our country.  Government control has been rapidly expanding and I think we need to rein it in before it gets out of hand.  The health care law being such an example, or the law stating you can't get a tattoo until you are eighteen even with parental consent.  I personally think that the government is way overstepping their boundaries on that one.  However, I truly hope that the republicans will be able to work with Obama to reach some common ground and get the peoples wants and demands accomplished. 

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