Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mass grave found near Mexican resort

Poliece have recovered 18 bodies from a mass grave found in Tres Palos near Acapulco, Mexico.  The grave was announced in a Youtube video where two men say the bodies were men who were kidnapped from a tourist group in Acapulco a month ago.  Their identities have not yet been proven.  Police officers began digging at the site early Wednesday after receiving a phone call alerting them to two bodies dumped on an empty lot.  The men found there were the same men shown in the Youtube video.  Their hands were tied behind their backs and they were being interigated by an unknown male.  In the video they claimed responsibility for the 18 murders and for dumping the bodies.

This to me just is another example of the drug problem in Mexico.  They rely on tourism as a source of income for their country but yet you don't see anything about how they are taking great strides to get their violence under control.  The Mexican government need to really consider how this could affect their economy and find a solution in the little budget that they have.  I know that I would not want to go on vacation in Mexico again if things like this continue to happen and it is not under control.  I feel bad because we all know that Mexico doesn't have a lot of extra money to help crack down on this drug war.  However, when I go on vacation I want to know that I am going to be safe wherever I am.  I don't want to have to worry about being kidnapped by some drug lord or blamed for murder.  Vacation is supposed to be about relaxing and I don't think I would get much of that done if I had to worry about my safety.

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