Thursday, January 20, 2011

2 officers, suspect killed in Miami shootout

On Thursday, Miami-Dade officers attempted to serve a murder warrant to a violent fugitive.  It resulted in a shoot out that killed the suspect and two police officers, Roger Castillo and Amanda Haworth.  The officers went to the home of Johnny Simms to serve the warrant.  A relative of Simms answered the door and told officers they would be right back.  Instead of returning someone started shooting at the police.  Officers say that 23 year old Simms was armed with a pistol and was shot in defense.

When you think about it, it's pretty scary to think how violent our country has become.  And it's not just our country it's people in general.  The respect that humans have for life is frighteningly scarce sometimes.  So much of our culture is based on violence, whether it be video games, movies, or television shows.  I mean don't get me wrong, I love a good action movie just as much as the next person, but there is a point where you cross a line.  If you think back even as much as 50 years, or even to our parents age.  You rarely heard of things such as this.  People were so much more trustworthy.  I remember my mom and dad as well as grandparents telling me stories about how they wouldn't ever lock their doors, some didn't even have locks.  People could be trusted back then.  I long for a time like that.  When you could leave your car outside and not have to worry about it being broken into or stolen by someone.  However, I doubt I will ever know a time like that.  I doubt things will ever be that way again.

After 'mancession,' women falling behind

In the recent recession more males found themselves without jobs than females.  They gave it the name the "mancession."  However, women lost one of three job cuts between 2007 and 2009 and have only gained back one in twelve.  Men are now fairing better in the job market than women.  Experts say this is because women make up more than half of all government jobs.  However when they were making the cuts women lost 86 percent of the jobs.  In general, female workers are more likely to be employed than males, however, as you can see, the gap is narrowing.  Men are recovering better now than women.

This article really shows that there is still sexism in our country.  As much as we try to and would like to believe that it doesn't exist, the fact is that it does.  It probably always will be there.  Granted it has made great strides over time but males and females are still not always thought of as equals.  Males have always been thought of as the dominant one.  They are typically thought of as being bigger, stronger, more aggressive, etc.  They funny thing is that this is not entirely true.  It makes me happy to know that there are women out there who are executives at large corporations etc.  It is not as common as finding a male executive but they are sneaking their way in there.  Yes, there are obvious differences in males and females but that should not stop one or the other from becoming anything they are capable of.

More than a million immigrants land U.S. jobs

For the past 2 years unemployment has remained in the double digits.  People are continuing to hire undocumented or illegal workers from Mexico.  Many young unskilled or semi-skilled immigrants are taking jobs in construction and other fields replacing blue collar workers or those without a high school diploma.  They are also taking the jobs that many Americans refuse to do or consider beneath them.  Owners say they prefer to hire these immigrants because they work for low wages.  They also don't have to pay health care benefits or payroll tax for them.

I think that immigration has been a serious problem in this country for a while.  I seriously hope that Obama sticks to his word and puts this issue at the top of his list.  We have prided our country on being the land that people can come to for a fresh start.  However, we are getting to our max of people.  It is time to say no for once.  We can't help everybody all the time.  We need to start thinking about ourselves and the need that our country has.  I think we need to close our boarders and cut off or a least decrease immigration.  We also need to tighten up our boarder to help eliminate illegal immigration.  That's where all our jobs are going.  Until you start to fix that problem unemployment is probably going to stay at a higher rate.  I also don't think it is right that all these immigrants come here illegally but if they get hurt or something we are the ones that pay for their hospital bill.  They also are all up tight about their I'm sorry but if you come here illegally what would make you think you deserve the same rights as an American? 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

On December 15th in Silver Shore Springs, Florida a woman's home was broken into.  Among the stollen items were electronics, jewelry, and 2 urns containing the ashes of her father and 2 great danes.  After aresting 5 teenagers in relation to another burglery authorities learned what had happened to the remanins of the woman's loved ones.  The teens apparently mistook the ashes for cocaine or herowin and snorted some of them.  After realizing what they really had just snorted they threw the ashes into a lake.  They are now being charged with burglery and several other things. 

Hahahaha.  Serves them right.  No offense, but how incredibly stupid or wacked out of your mind do you have to be to ashes.  They had to have been tripping off something else.  Why would someone store coke in an urn.  I mean think about it.  What is normally in jars like that on peoples shelves.  And if you had a huge jar of coke why would you keep it out in the open like that.  Wouldn't you expect that to be locked up or at least hidden some where.  That's a lot of illegal money to have out in the open.  It just blows my mind because it is so dumb.  Its hilarious and I think the teens got what they had coming.  I mean some dumb kids snorted a person and 2 dogs.  I don't care who you are, you hear that and you can't help but laugh haha.

Irish abuse victim: letter proves Vatican cover-up

In 1997 a Vatican official sent a letter to Irish bishops advising them not to report cases of child abuse to the police.  On Monday the letter was revealed.  Archbishop Luciano Storero is the one who sent the letter regarding the Vatican's "mandatory reporting" policy.  They put a new law into place that says all matters of that nature would be handled internally and that any one who tried to pursue justice outside of the church would have their actions overturned on appeal in Rome.  This scandal has sent "shockwaves" across the Catholic world.

I, as a Catholic, am absolutely appalled at this information.  It amazes me how priests of all people, God's servants here on Earth could do something like this.  I understand that some matters of the church need to remain in their hands.  It is better for some matters to be handled internally.  However, in this case I feel that the law needs to step in and do something.  The are holy people yes but that doesn't mean they are above the law.  They should know more than anybody the consequences of their actions and the severity of the consequences.  Both here and in the after life.  They should think about that for once. 

'House of Horrors' alleged at abortion clinic

An abortion clinic in Pennsylvania was finally shut down.  Dr. Kermit Gosnell ran the clinic from 1979 to 2010.  He, along with his 9 associates including his wife, were charged on Wednesday.  Gosnell's charges include 8 counts of murder.  He allegedly delivered 7 babies and then proceeded to use scissors to kill them.  The so called clinic was filthy and run down.  Gosnell had no trained medical staff except for himself who is only a family physician.  District Attorney  Seth Williams said, "My comprehension of the English language can't adequately describe the barbaric nature of Dr. Gosnell."

This absolutely sickens me.  I would really like to know what is going to happen to all of the inspectors that are supposed to have caught this.  How can they have over looked something so major as this for over 30 years.  They should also receive some kind of punishment.  They did nothing at all to stop this madness from occurring.  Personally, I have nothing against abortion most of the time, but that is as long as it is done in a safe and humane way.  This situation, however, doesn't even come close to either of them.  I hope that Gosnell receives the death penalty.  He is a baby killer!  What on earth could possibly posses you to kill a baby, and with a scissors of all things.  Why wouldn't you just take it to a hospital and leave it with them to take care of.  That baby did nothing to deserve it.  It not their fault that they were created or aren't wanted but yet they still suffer the price.  All of them should receive severe punishment in my opinion.

Grand jury indicts Arizona shooting suspect

On Wednesday a federal grand jury indicted Jared Loughner on three counts in relation to the shooting in Tuscan on January 8th.  The shooting killed 6 people and wounded an additional 13.  One of these was U.S. Representative Gabriella Giffords.  U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke says that these charges are only the start.  They plan to include more charges that include the death penalty.  Loughner has a court date set for Monday which will give the prosecutors more time to prepare their case and pursue the death penalty. 

I can't imagine what would posses a person to go on such a rampage and kill/injure so many innocent people.  I am glad that they are going after the death penalty.  In my opinion, the guy more than deserves it.  He has it coming.  One thing that really irritates me about our legal system is the amount of time that it takes to invoke things such as the death penalty.  I think it is ridiculous that we allow guilty murderers to sit on death row for 20 plus years.  Why pay to keep them alive when you know they are eventually going to die.  Its crazy.  You know they are guilty so just get it over with already.  They should only be allowed so many appeals.  I mean think about it, if 3 or 5 or however many courts have already found him guilty and the same verdict keeps coming up chances are they are right so that should be the end of it.  They shouldn't be allowed to extend their stay by trying to prove something that's a lie in the first place.  They took someone Else's life so why should we pay to extend theirs? 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Woman announced suicide on Facebook, no one helped

At 10:53 pm on Christmas day, Simone Back, posted her suicide note on Facebook.  The shocking part is that none of her close friends in England cared to respond or do anything about it.  Simone posted, "Took all my pills be dead soon bye bye everyone."  Another one of her friends later replied to the message by saying that she does this often and that it was a lie.  That she was joking and it wasn't for real.  However, Simone wasn't joking and she died that night.  Facebook is working with the National Council of Suicide Prevention (NCSP) to prevent things like this from happening again.  There is a meeting scheduled for the end of January with other Internet companies to join in the process. 

I think what happened is horrible.  However I can't say that I am necessarily surprised with the situation.  People are much more self centered today and if she had done it in the past I can see them not believing her.  Although I do think that her closer friends would and should have checked up on her just to make sure everything was ok.  I also consider the fact that it was Christmas so not as many people are on Facebook, I would think anyway, because they are spending time with their families.  I am glad that Facebook and the NCSP are working together to improve their ways of detecting harmful situations as these.  I hope that other inter net corporations will also join the plan to help these things from happening.