Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Grand jury indicts Arizona shooting suspect

On Wednesday a federal grand jury indicted Jared Loughner on three counts in relation to the shooting in Tuscan on January 8th.  The shooting killed 6 people and wounded an additional 13.  One of these was U.S. Representative Gabriella Giffords.  U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke says that these charges are only the start.  They plan to include more charges that include the death penalty.  Loughner has a court date set for Monday which will give the prosecutors more time to prepare their case and pursue the death penalty. 

I can't imagine what would posses a person to go on such a rampage and kill/injure so many innocent people.  I am glad that they are going after the death penalty.  In my opinion, the guy more than deserves it.  He has it coming.  One thing that really irritates me about our legal system is the amount of time that it takes to invoke things such as the death penalty.  I think it is ridiculous that we allow guilty murderers to sit on death row for 20 plus years.  Why pay to keep them alive when you know they are eventually going to die.  Its crazy.  You know they are guilty so just get it over with already.  They should only be allowed so many appeals.  I mean think about it, if 3 or 5 or however many courts have already found him guilty and the same verdict keeps coming up chances are they are right so that should be the end of it.  They shouldn't be allowed to extend their stay by trying to prove something that's a lie in the first place.  They took someone Else's life so why should we pay to extend theirs? 

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