Thursday, January 20, 2011

After 'mancession,' women falling behind

In the recent recession more males found themselves without jobs than females.  They gave it the name the "mancession."  However, women lost one of three job cuts between 2007 and 2009 and have only gained back one in twelve.  Men are now fairing better in the job market than women.  Experts say this is because women make up more than half of all government jobs.  However when they were making the cuts women lost 86 percent of the jobs.  In general, female workers are more likely to be employed than males, however, as you can see, the gap is narrowing.  Men are recovering better now than women.

This article really shows that there is still sexism in our country.  As much as we try to and would like to believe that it doesn't exist, the fact is that it does.  It probably always will be there.  Granted it has made great strides over time but males and females are still not always thought of as equals.  Males have always been thought of as the dominant one.  They are typically thought of as being bigger, stronger, more aggressive, etc.  They funny thing is that this is not entirely true.  It makes me happy to know that there are women out there who are executives at large corporations etc.  It is not as common as finding a male executive but they are sneaking their way in there.  Yes, there are obvious differences in males and females but that should not stop one or the other from becoming anything they are capable of.

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