Thursday, January 20, 2011

More than a million immigrants land U.S. jobs

For the past 2 years unemployment has remained in the double digits.  People are continuing to hire undocumented or illegal workers from Mexico.  Many young unskilled or semi-skilled immigrants are taking jobs in construction and other fields replacing blue collar workers or those without a high school diploma.  They are also taking the jobs that many Americans refuse to do or consider beneath them.  Owners say they prefer to hire these immigrants because they work for low wages.  They also don't have to pay health care benefits or payroll tax for them.

I think that immigration has been a serious problem in this country for a while.  I seriously hope that Obama sticks to his word and puts this issue at the top of his list.  We have prided our country on being the land that people can come to for a fresh start.  However, we are getting to our max of people.  It is time to say no for once.  We can't help everybody all the time.  We need to start thinking about ourselves and the need that our country has.  I think we need to close our boarders and cut off or a least decrease immigration.  We also need to tighten up our boarder to help eliminate illegal immigration.  That's where all our jobs are going.  Until you start to fix that problem unemployment is probably going to stay at a higher rate.  I also don't think it is right that all these immigrants come here illegally but if they get hurt or something we are the ones that pay for their hospital bill.  They also are all up tight about their I'm sorry but if you come here illegally what would make you think you deserve the same rights as an American? 

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